Door scaffolding system of scaffolding engineering knowledge

Update time:2021-01-23
1. The erection of scaffolding
1) The erection sequence of gantry scaffolding is: foundation preparation→placement of backing plate→placement of base→vertical two-sided single-piece door frame→installation of cross bar→installation of scaffolding plate→repeat the process of installing door frame, cross bar and scaffolding board on this basis .
2) The foundation must be tamped, and a layer of 100mm thick ballast should be spread, and drainage slopes should be made to prevent water accumulation.
3) Portal steel pipe scaffolding should be erected from one end to the other end, and the up-step scaffolding should be carried out after the down-step scaffolding is completed. The erection direction is opposite to the next step.
4) For the erection of gantry scaffolding, first insert two gantry racks on the end base, and then install the cross bar to fix it, lock the lock piece, and then set up the future gantry, and install the cross bar immediately after each gantry. And lock piece.
5) Scissors support should be arranged on the outer side of portal steel scaffolding, and the vertical and longitudinal directions should be arranged continuously.
6) The scaffolding must be connected to the building reliably. The distance between the connecting members shall not be greater than 3 steps in the horizontal direction, and no more than 3 steps in the vertical direction (when the height of the scaffold is less than 20m), and 2 steps (when the height of the scaffold is more than 20m).
Portal scaffolding 1
2. Removal of scaffolding
1) Preparations before dismantling the scaffold: comprehensively inspect the scaffold, focusing on checking whether the fastener connection and support system meets safety requirements; prepare a dismantling plan based on the inspection results and on-site conditions and obtain the approval of the relevant department; perform technical explanations; according to the dismantling On the scene, set up fences or warning signs, and have special personnel to guard; remove materials, wires and other debris remaining in the scaffolding.
2) It is strictly forbidden for non-operators to enter the work area where the shelf is removed.
3) Before disassembling the rack, the person in charge of on-site construction should approve the procedures. When the rack is dismantled, a special person must be instructed to respond from top to bottom and coordinate the actions.
4) The order of dismantling should be that the erected parts are dismantled first, and the erected parts are dismantled later. It is strictly forbidden to dismantle or pull down.
5) The fixings should be removed layer by layer along with the scaffolding. When the last riser section is removed, temporary supports and reinforcements should be erected before removing the fixings and supports.
6) The dismantled scaffold components should be transported to the ground in time, and it is strictly forbidden to throw them from the air.
7) Scaffolding parts transported to the ground should be cleaned and maintained in time. Paint anti-rust paint as needed, and store them in storage according to varieties and specifications.
The above content is organized based on the problems encountered by the students in their actual work for reference. If you have any problems, please communicate and correct them in time.
Previous:Performance characteristics of trapezoidal scaffolding
Next:Safety technical requirements for the removal of portal scaffolding















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