Several Suggestions on the Safety of Construction Scaffolding

Update time:2021-01-06
In recent years, due to the chaotic construction and leasing market, the illegal production and sales of low-quality steel pipes and fasteners have been prominent. A large number of unqualified steel pipes and fasteners have flowed into the construction site. In addition, the construction unit's irregular use has seriously endangered the safety of construction. Recently, the Ministry of Construction, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out Special Remediation of Steel Pipes and Fasteners for Construction", requesting that the special remediation be adopted to make the production, sale, lease and use of low-quality buildings The conditions of steel pipes and fasteners used in construction have been significantly reversed. At present, there are more than 10 million tons of scaffold steel pipes in the country, of which more than 90% are inferior, overdue and unqualified steel pipes. The total number of fasteners is about 1 to 1.2 billion, and the qualified product rate is zero. Such a large number of unqualified steel pipes and fasteners have become a hidden danger to construction safety, and it is impossible to complete the remediation work in a short period of time.
    The safety of building scaffolding has always been a difficult problem in building construction. There are several safety accidents of scaffolding collapse every year. How to improve the safety of scaffolding and ensure the construction safety of scaffolding? Here are some views on the management experience of Japanese scaffolding:
    1. Vigorously developing new scaffolding is an important guarantee for solving construction safety
    Japan began to apply a large number of fastener-type steel tube scaffolding in the 1950s. By the mid-1950s, the application of fastener-type steel tube scaffolding had become dominant. Due to the continuous occurrence of casualties, it was reported that the number of casualties reached 2,856 within a year. Therefore, the safety of scaffolding has attracted great attention from relevant government departments.
    In the early 1960s, due to the convenient assembly and disassembly of portal scaffolding, good load-bearing performance, and safety and reliability, especially the Ministry of Labor and Labor’s regulations on the safe use of scaffolding, portal scaffolding began to be widely used in engineering. In the early 1970s, with the increasing number of super high-rise buildings in Japan and the extensive development of scaffold leasing business, the application of portal scaffolding increased rapidly, and it has become the dominant scaffolding.
    At present, Japan has also developed and researched various types of scaffolding such as H type, folding type, bowl type, disc type, jack type, and slot type. Due to the poor safety of fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding, it has been rarely used in construction projects.
In the early 1960s, our country began to use fastener-type steel tube scaffolding. Because this kind of scaffolding has the characteristics of flexible assembly and disassembly, convenient handling, strong versatility, and low price, it is widely used in our country, and its use accounts for more than 60%. The most widely used type of scaffolding currently. However, the biggest weakness of this kind of scaffolding is its poor safety and low construction efficiency. With the emergence of a large number of modern large-scale building systems in my country, this kind of scaffolding can no longer meet the needs of building construction development. Therefore, it is an urgent task to vigorously develop and promote the application of new scaffolding. Practice has proved that the use of new scaffolding is not only safe and reliable in construction, fast in assembly and disassembly, but also can reduce the amount of steel used in the scaffold by about 33%, increase the efficiency of assembly and disassembly by more than 8-10 times, and reduce the construction cost significantly, and the construction site is civilized and tidy. In the early 1980s, my country successively introduced various types of scaffolding such as portal scaffolding and bowl-buckle scaffolding from abroad. Portal scaffolding has also been widely used in many domestic projects and achieved good results. However, portal scaffolding has not been widely promoted and applied, and many portal scaffolding factories have closed or switched to production. At present, there are still a few door-type scaffolding factories in China, and most of their products are processed according to the drawings of foreign investors and exported abroad. Bowl buckle scaffolding is the most popularized scaffolding among new types of scaffolding, but it is not widely used. It is only widely used in some regions and some projects in China. However, in recent years, most of the bowl-buckle scaffolds in our domestic market are non-standard products produced in Hebei. Construction accidents have also occurred one after another, which is deeply worrying. Now there is a newly developed in-line double self-locking multifunctional steel pipe scaffold in our domestic market, which is very advanced and can adapt to the application of various diversified scaffolding assembly and supporting systems. Therefore, vigorously develop and promote the application of new in-line double self-locking scaffolds, and gradually replace the fastener-type, door-type, and bowl-buckle-type scaffolds with poor safety, which is an important guarantee for solving the construction safety of scaffolding.
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